Welcome at ELC3K
a World of Tanks Clan

ELC3K stands for ELC FREAK " size doesn't matter " !


ELC3K is proud to present you the reasons we gathered together around our beloved tank : the ELC AMX BIS


Developed from 1957 through 1961 to provide French airborne troops with an air-transportable vehicle that could engage heavy tanks. The vehicle mounted a 90-mm gun and had a very low silhouette. The two crew members were seated in the turret, which could turn through 360 degrees, but only when the vehicle was not moving. Variants with different guns were planned. Only one prototype was manufactured. The vehicle never saw service.

World of Tanks

World of Tanks (WoT) is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Belarusian company Wargaming, featuring mid-20th century (1930sā€“1960s) era combat vehicles.[1] It is built upon a freemium business model where the game is free-to-play, but participants also have the option of paying a fee for use of "premium" features. The focus is on player vs. player gameplay with each player controlling an armored vehicle.

About Us

Playing hours: 20:00ā€“23:00 CET

Langage : English

We are an international clan of AMX ELC Bis enthusiasts. If you like this tank and you want to improve in it, you're very welcome here. We don't play CWs or strongholds, just good old for-fun platoons with our clan mates. We also enjoy playing other types and tiers, but ELC is the king of them all!i


To apply contact:

We all represent our Clan. Platooned or not, in game or garage, shooting or texting other players; every member of ELC3K is obligated to behave with culture. This is the main rule, thus MUST be respected. We're here to have fun playing, and salt is killing all of it for everyone.


Contact e-mail: WoT.ELC3K@gmail.com